Some fine ideas about promoting county cricket. Maybe we also need to look at those that follow a first class county, but do so from a distance. I'm an Essex fan but live around 70 miles away from Chelmsford on the Suffolk coast. You Tube coverage has been a godsend. There must be many others also in this position, and countless school children - engaging those children and making them, and those that for whatever reason find it hard to get to county games, feel part of their nearest/local county is a challenge often overlooked.

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Yep absolutely. I think players are key. Get one to the awards evening of every major participation team in the area, especially their youth teams. If you win a trophy get that there too. Rely on the public spreading the word via all those lovely selfies. Clubs/schools from outside could 'apply' to get a player there for their awards

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Yes, would be nice to think players would do that, but......... Catchment area and distance in some cases would see many baulk at the idea I fear.

Appreciate there are those that are resident within a first class county for whom getting to a game is difficult. But building up an affiliation for those living outside of one probably more tricky. Would like to claim my support of Essex was purely because it was the closest to me, but was probably more to do with them being quite good in the early/mid 80's when I started getting interested, and more crucially being able to watch them on terrestrial TV - Sunday League, B&H and Nat West cup etc, but that's another point entirely.

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Ref younger/diverse 'voices': Ten years ago I was asked by Kevan James to help out with the BBC's new ball-by-ball commentaries on Hampshire's games and I've done it ever since - voluntarily. When I started I was one of four Hospital Broadcast 'extras' who helped out and we were all white, male, retired etc. I'm the only one left but there are now 3/4 young women including Emily Windsor who began some years ago, who all still play, a Black club cricketer from Zimbabwe now in England and a member of Hampshire Disabled team. I also have a very recent graduate writing pieces every year for Hampshire's Handbook. Change is perfectly possible and since this will probably be my last active year it might even increase at Hampshire.

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